JEFF The Brotherhood "The Boys R Back In Town" VARIANTS
$39.00 - $249.00

  • JEFF The Brotherhood
  • JEFF The Brotherhood
  • JEFF The Brotherhood
  • JEFF The Brotherhood
  • JEFF The Brotherhood
  • JEFF The Brotherhood

JEFF The Brotherhood "The Boys R Back In Town" VARIANTS
$39.00 - $249.00

*"Two Fast, Two Furious" RED slkscreen PROMO: this is the kind of thing that would command a 300 bucks at our rarities auction. But one of the staff members has asked to put it up for $249. It is a PROMO version of the handmade, album-cover-turned-inside-out silkscreened "Two Fast, Two Furious" cover in the the very rare Red ink. The inside of the sleeve is some record by Greg and Steve. The vinyl is blue and white. 1 only. Extremely rare.
Same staff member, same price, different sleeve: This time it's the SCIENTOLOGY variation. IYKYK

JEFF The Brotherhood's 2007 release, "The Boys R Back In Town" is back in town!

Ghost Ride Th' Whip To Berlin
Dream Theatre Dream
Particle Beam Dream
Screaming Banshee
Seasonal Jam
Doo It Again
Continental Breakfast
I Dream Of Jake And Jamin
Stoo A Soop
Noo Sixties

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