Diarrhea Planet “Loose Jewels” VARIANTS
$10.00 - $22.00
Diarrhea Planet “Loose Jewels” VARIANTS
$10.00 - $22.00
The most life-altering 19 minutes of your life. Sinizine called Diarrhea Planet "punk enough to play in some guy’s basement but poppy enough that my mother would be humming along after a few listens," while SPIN praised their "bouncy guitars... underpinned by some thunderous bass -- think the Romantics, taken on a desert rock acid trip with Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme." In a crazy turn of events, Loose Jewels was the millionth record pressed at URP's new pressing plant! To celebrate, they had the dudes tour the new digs and even let them press some of their own vinyl. Watch that here! And yes, these random-colored records (mostly bright orange, neon yellow, and a pleasantly appropriate swirl of yellow-ish brown) are almost gone! Less than 10. And less than 10 of the black vinyl too. Maybe yours will even be THE millionth record!
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